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Legacy Website: Have you abandoned goodwill?
Swift Media is an Orange County Website Developer, Internet Marketing Expert since 2000.
Orange County, Website, Design, Development, Marketing
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Legacy Website: Have you abandoned goodwill?

Legacy Website: Have you abandoned goodwill?

swift_media_legacy_websiteDoes your new website designer have a plan for what will happen to the old web pages you have sweated over all these years?

Most importantly, have they considered what will happen when those pages are no longer there for your customers who have bookmarked these pages or search engines that have indexed them?

The content that has been developed is an important resource that can be utilized in a number of ways but the best use is as a legacy. The pages clients have bookmarked as part of their research for your product / service; the page search engines deemed worthy of quality list and rank are valuable.

By implementing some basic web scripts, you will introduce those who knew your old website to the middle of your new website presentation, services and value proposition.

One of the standard steps in our web development process is to assess existing content. We then catalogue the pages, categorize them and implement a one to one matching between your old website and the new one.

At Swift Media, we work to find ways to marry your past investments with your new investments. Not a bad use for an old pair of pants . . .