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Email Marketing
Swift Media is an Orange County Website Developer, Internet Marketing Expert since 2000.
Orange County, Website, Design, Development, Marketing
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Email Marketing Tag

Have you ever had a fruit tree? Or a garden? Nature can be humbling. As the first hint of spring hit weeks ago, fruit trees began to show their blossoms. If you do have a fruit tree, you are well aware of what comes next. You step up and practically...

There is a biological, self-preservative instinct in our need to go back to the same creek or well. Our reptilian brain makes the connection that we have drunk from this water source before; it’s safe to do so again. We all experience this feeling, even in...

Lost among much of the justifiable social media hoopla, Email has been the forgotten mare back on the farm. Often underappreciated, much too often ignored, this work horse continues to deliver. Open rates are up 12.6% year over year according to Epsilon and the Direct Marketing...

Imagine you are a third grade elementary school teacher. One student turns in his math homework neatly completed with all extra work on an attached sheet of paper (because they are asked to, "Show their work"). The next student turns in a sheet with some questions answered,...

Food advertising on television increases automatic snacking on available foods in children and adults, according to a series of experimental studies conducted by researchers from Yale University. (for more information on the study: Many conversations I have with clients and friends will include a variation...

Email is a fast, inexpensive, and effective way to target and address your prospects, customers, and clients, especially when compared to other traditional marketing channels. 93% of U.S. Internet users consider email to be their top online activity, according to Jupiter Research. However, it’s very important to...

Let's state the obvious: You are in business to make money. Whether you work for an employer or you are the employer, sales is the engine that propels your company. One of the very useful features of using email marketing to drive contact with your business is...

Change can represent many things and take many forms. When we are successful, oftentimes, we continue to do what we have always done. We don't want to rock the boat. However, take a moment to consider what would happen to your productivity if you continued to...