You're the curious type!
Take The First Step
Swift Media is an Orange County Website Developer, Internet Marketing Expert since 2000.
Orange County, Website, Design, Development, Marketing
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Take The First Step

Take The First Step

swift_media_take_the_first_step“A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.”

Considering a web site redesign project can seem a daunting task for most businesses. The place to start is in-house. Begin by making an honest assessment of what you have for the project: Budget time and money.

Review your existing marketing materials,

Decide on the role your web site will play in the marketing and sales process.

Answering a few of these questions and doing some of the dirty work will make the whole experience a bit easier and much more successful.

Let’s start with cold hard cash. What do you want to spend? I realize many feel they are giving away the first step in negotiations by supplying a number.

However, as a developer it helps to know what you want and what you can afford. Consider buying a car. It’s best to know what you can spend when you go looking. Will you buy a Volkswagen or a Rolls Royce? Both will get you there – but in very different ways.

Time. Limitless and yet we never have enough. This project will take time and effort away from your day to day responsibilities. Schedule time for it and the project will complete sooner. Even the most hands off development projects will require you to review and comment on navigation, design, copy and photography.

Materials. Brochures. Existing site. Advertisements. Each can inform the direction of this new project. Are you pleased with what you have? Will you want to build on this foundation with a facelift? Are you starting over? Considering your past materials will lead directly to this new one.

What should happen on the site? Is it a brochure? Will it encourage contact? Engage, educate and support? Sell, interact and deliver?

Each aspect of your web site will work better for your company when you take into account each of the above issues and apply them to your overall strategy and objectives.

Setting a goal will create greater success and more return on your investment. Determining intent, perhaps setting a measurement benchmark or goal – the culmination of the journey – will give you the right to declare success on the way to the next destination on your list.

Ready for that first step?

Let us know how we can help:  or 949.273.6015